B&M Store

Discount Centres, Other Retail

 Garden Furniture, Bedroom, Furniture, Electrical Appliances, Toys, Games, Gifts, Health, Beauty, Cosmetics, Food & drink, DIY Store, Pet Shop, Clothing, Office Supplies, Discount Store, Bargain Shop, Discount Shopping, b&m, b and m, bandm, bm, b and m stores, b&m near me, b&m bargains, b&m stores, bm stores, bmstores, bnm

B&M Store

1 Maidens Walk, Northumberland, NE46 1AP  (Show me directions)

0330 83...Main    Main   

  Monday to Saturday: 08:00 to 19:00 , Sunday: 11:00 to 17:00


bmstores   https://www.facebook.com/1488439147833795   @bmstores  

  Visa, Mastercard


The B&M Store in Hexham is situated on Maidens Place, making it easy to get to for anyone in search of a bargain.
In-store, youll discover everything you need for a modern lifestyle from homeware to DIY equipment, pet supplies to food and drink, kitchen gadgets to soft furnishings all at incredibly low prices. And if youre looking for a toyshop in Hexham, check out the range of board games, costumes, arts and crafts, action figures and more inside.
There is parking onsite, but its advised to check whether there are any time restrictions or limits before your visit.


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