Me Included

Disability Services

 Disabled Facilities Review Directory, Shops with Good Disabled Facilities, Hotels with Good Disabled Facilities, Businesses with Good Disabled Facilities, Restaurants with Good Disabled Facilities, Shops with Ramp Access, Restaurants with Ramp Access, Restaurants Disabled Toilets, Pubs with Disabled Facilities, Bars with Good Disabled Facilities, Shops with Disabled Toilets, Menus for Blind People, Braille Menus, Disability Discrimination, Equalities Act, Accessible Restaurants, Theatres with Disabled Facilities, Theatres with Ramp Access, Theatres with Disabled Toilets, Pubs with Disabled Toilets, Bars with Disabled Toilets

47 Chapel Street, Derry Hill, Calne, Wiltshire, SN11 9JT  (Show me directions)

0800 61...Landline    Landline   



shiningstarsatwalkabouts   @meincluded  


Disabled People Sharing Experiences with Businesses to Improve Accessibility and Inclusion

Disabled people and their families and friends can help by leaving feedback about their experience of accessibility of the places visited or journeys taken on the Me Included website.

We will then work with businesses to help them improve the accessible services they provide by better understanding what matters to you, their customers.

Reviews of Businesses or Service Providers with Good or Bad Accessiblity

Anyone can leave feedback about their experience of using a business or service provider in the United Kingdom. These can be banks, hotels, restaurants, football grounds, cinemas, shops, airports - in fact the list is almost endless. You can do it there and then via our app.

How Accessible are Public Facilities such as Toilets

Your feedback will help give people far more choice in their daily lives. Your experiences will build the review section and provide invaluable information for anyone wanting to know how accessible a venue is. This is more than just ticking the boxes - its about what's really happening.

Your Reviews will Improve Accessibility for Disabled People

We believe that Me Included will:

- Improve accessibility for disabled people in their day to day lives by providing a collective and more powerful voice to bring about change
- Produce a wealth of customer insight so businesses can hear what's important to their customers
- Improve business reputation and their ethical approach towards accessibility and inclusion
- Build a growing community of people who share information of how businesses comply with the Equality Act and the services they provide
- Measurably improve standards of accessibility and reduce the amount of effort needed for someone to use those services

Improving Disabled Facilities, Accessibility and Inclusion

We are building a growing community of people who share information about how businesses comply with the Equality Act and the services they provide. We will measurably improve standards of accessibility and reduce the amount of effort needed for someone to use those services.

Find an Accessible Venue

Our directory of businesses and their accessibility as described by our disabled community will help you find accessible venues.

Restaurants with Braille Menus for Blind People

Check our directory for restaurants with menus for blind or partially sighted people.

Restaurants allowing Guide Dogs, Working Dogs, Service Dogs and Assistance Dogs

Our directory and review website will help you find a restaurant which welcomes, guide dogs, working dogs, service dogs and assistance dogs.

Me Included is primarily aimed at giving people with disabilities, and their families, a voice. We aim to create an online community where people can share which business are getting it right, and wrong, for accessibility and inclusion on their business premises. This can include the service and the premises set up. It's a review site first and foremost. We do however offer services to help businesses see if they are on track, if they want to improve and hopefully provide some insight when the reviews start coming in.

Access for People with All Types Disabilities - Mobility, Sight, Hearing, Autism etc - EVERYWHERE

We're here to help make the world more accessible and inclusive.

We are an online community giving disabled people a collective voice to improve accessibility and inclusion, sharing knowledge with businesses to boost facilities in shops, hotels, cinemas, football grounds - in fact almost everywhere!

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